Unmarried Affidavit is an alternative document of Bachelorhood Certificate or Single Status Certificate or Marriageability Certificate which states the marital status of the document holder. When an Indian Citizen wishes to marry with a foreigner, then the candidate has to produce an Unmarried Affidavit to the concern department of the abroad organization. When the destination country is HCC Country then the Unmarried Affidavit Apostille is required. The Government of that Country requires Unmarried Affidavit as proof of authenticity. The Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India will be completed after some mandatory Attestation by Government of India.
We, Abrodex Consultancy Services, complete Bachelorhood Certificate or Single Status Certificate or Marriageability Certificate or Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India. The detail process, time requirement, charges etc. of Unmarried Affidavit Apostille Attestation in India is mentioned under. All the mentioned process is mentioned as per the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India guidelines. We are one of the authorized organizations to complete Unmarried Affidavit Apostille Attestation in India.
Notary attestation is required to prove the authenticity of the document or certificate which the Government should need to inspect directly. Normally, the copies of original documents are verified and the photocopy of the original, attested by the notary public are accepted as true copies. But, the Attestation from Notary on Unmarried Affidavit will be done on the back side of the original document if it is not an e-Unmarried Certificate.
Once the document will be Attested from Notary then the Unmarried Affidavit Attestation from Home Department or GAD or RAC of the issuing State will be done. GAD / RAC or Home Department authenticates the Unmarried Affidavit or Bachelorhood Certificate after verifying the content of the document. Prior MEA Apostille, Authentication from the State Level Attestation department is required. The Attestation from State level is one of the options, not the compulsion.
Once the document Attestation from GAD / RAC / Home Department will be completed, then the Unmarried Affidavit Apostille will be done from Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Guwahati Centers in India. The Apostille Attestation from MEA is the final Certification from the issuing Country and it is the final process for HCC Countries.
The Apostille of Unmarried Affidavit comes under the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. It is the CPV Division of Ministry of External Affairs which attests / Apostille all the certificates issues by any state in India before making submission to any Embassy or Consulate. Home Department Attestation or RAC / GAD attestation should be done before MEA Apostille Attestation. Ministry of External Affairs attests / Apostille all non-educational as well as educational certificates including Unmarried Affidavit or Certificate.
The Attestation of Unmarried Affidavit from Home Department / GAD / RAC is a very much time consuming as well as hectic process. The process of Unmarried Affidavit Apostille, prior Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Apostille, is different for separate states. To keep the points in focus, the MEA has given the special authority to some of the selected Sub Divisional Magistrates (SDM), Govt. of NCT-Delhi to attest the documents prior MEA Apostille, in special cases.
The Unmarried Affidavit Attestation from SDM, Sub Divisional Magistrate will be done from Delhi. This is an alternative process of Unmarried Affidavit Apostille Attestation by MEA, Govt. of India. When there are some obstructions to ger the Unmarried Affidavit Attested from the Regional Attestation Center or Home Department of the respective State, then the SDM Attestation of Unmarried Affidavit will be completed.
To complete the whole process of Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India we will take around 7-8 working days. If it has already been Attested from designated Departments, Govt. of India, then the Unmarried Affidavit Apostille from MEA will be completed same day. However, the different State’s time duration may vary from time to time. The Unmarried Affidavit Apostille through SDM, NCT-Delhi will take 2-3 working days.
We provide Single Status / Bachelorhood Certificate / Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India. When you require an Unmarried Affidavit Apostille Attestation, contact us and we will provide our best services to get it done at your door step.
We provide Single Status Certificate / Bachelorhood / Marriageability Certificate or Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India. When you require an Unmarried Affidavit Apostille Attestation, contact us and we will provide our best services to get it done at your door step.
Abrodex Consultancy services is best service provider for Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India. We complete Unmarried Affidavit Apostille from MEA after the Attestation of Sub Divisional MAgistrate / Home Department of the State etc. We also complete the Unmarried Affidavit Apostille in India through alternative methods. Please get in touch with us and enjoy the excellent services.